Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches

Since starting in May 2002, our field of operation is the Northern Province of Zambia, where we have planted churches and done numerous leadership and congregational training events. This is a tremendously needy area. The people, especially in the rural areas lack education, practice polygamy, marrying girls as young as 13 years old. Animism and witchcraft are spiritual strongholds, along with nominalism in existing churches many of which having syncretistic tendencies.
Vision: Our vision for Zambia has become a reality, in that we have identified our faithful man, Pst. Henry Katontoka (Disciple Making Ministries), in Mpika in the Northern Prov. of Zambia. Over more than seven years, we have equiped him and his leaders to run ministries of integrity and to come behind them in their vision of reaching the regions which God has burdened them with.
By God’s grace, the work in Zambia has been very successful. We have systematically worked our way from Muwele, further north and east over the last 3 years, establishing churches and training leaders in the Chiundoponde area, moving from there into and around the Bangweulu swamps and east to Nabwalya at the foot of the Muchinga escarpment. Nabwalya is situated between North and South Luangwa game parks.
In Nov 2005 we went to the Puta in the Luapula province on the shores of Lake Mweru and planted two churches during this time. The leaders attended our mini-bible in Oct 2006 and are under the oversight of Pst. Achim Chali, from Kawamba.
The work expanded to engage the Pygmies and an initial visit was made to their villiage on the Congo border in 2012
Pst. Henry Katonotoka now has his own vehicle and motor bike and is continuing strongly with the work from his local church in Mpika, together with key leaders.

Kenya into Uganda & Tanzania
Window of Opportunity

In Kenya, our initial contact was with Pst. Daniel Chelagat from Pioneer Community Church, Eldoret. He is a man of wide vision for the least reached peoples to the physical needs of people within Kenya.
Our vision is to engage the least reached peoples in this North Western area of Kenya through the agent of conferences, by which we identify men that we can work with. We then organize conferences in their area which would specifically be amongst a least reached people and from there we identify our ‘man of peace’ who we will work with to plant churches and train leadership. Our chief church planting tool would be Train and Multiply®, follow-up conferences for leaders and congregations, as well as evangelistic teams, to see 100’s of churches planted through local leaders.
Our initial goal was that we would trust the Lord that the overspill of such ministry would reach the Turkana, further north and finally into Southern Sudan. This would also mean that the Karamanjong, and Sabaot in Uganda could be reached. GOALS WERE TO BE SPECIFIC AND EVENTS DELIBERATE to effectively reach these people. We were trusting to identify at least two ‘faithful men’ from each conference who we would closely work with in the future to reach these peoples.
This has been accomplished and we are now working with three faithful men in the various areas: Eluid Psongoye, Isiah Yatich and Ben Ndiema. The training has also flowed over into Uganda and we have engaged S. Sudan with the help of another ministry under the leadership of Peter Franz.
Translation Work:
We have had the Chronological Training translated into Sabaot and the first level of Train & Multiply™ translated into KeSwahili. We are busy with inserting the proofreading so that it can also be used in Tanzania. As we identify and engage people groups, we will endeavor to have re-producible materials translated into that language for the leaders.

Across Our Borders

God has opened a unique door just north of Moamba and east of Kruger National Park at Sabiè. A Nelspruit businessman was developing the Sabiè game park and was given 40 000 hectares to do this on. The goal was that whilst he develops this area economically, IMD Africa develop the area spiritually. Since then the area has been taken over by McDonalds Tourism and the relationship continues.
We use Train & Multiply® which we had translated into Shangaan and are busy editing into a newer version.
We will do leadership training and evangelism approximately every 2nd month in this area for a period of 3-4 years, so that we can thoroughly train the men God gives us as well as present periodic conferences for leaders and their churches.
This area is extremely needy spiritually. Many of the churches practice syncretism, mixing Christianity with their animistic beliefs and witchcraft has a tremendous hold over the people in this area. Just recently, a mosque has been built close to the area where we minister.
We aimed at saturating the area with the Word of God and discovering who the spiritual leaders/faithful men were that already exist. As we reached out evangelistically, we built relationships with these spiritual leaders and invited them to become part of our training circle. We have been doing leadership training with these men and our next step is to put up simple church structures and dig boreholes for their church sites.

South Africa
Local Ministries

South Africa is our ‘Samaria’ ministry, in that we work cross-culturally, at this point, with local churches, leadership training, youth ministry, schools ministry and we have started a Christian school in partnership with Masodi Baptist Church.
One of the huge crisis's in South Africa is Foundational Education.
Pst Jacobus Ramabu is pastoring a small Baptist Church in a township called Masodi, close to Mokopane. He started a Day Care alongside his house, in a tin shack, to meet the needs in his community.
In 2006, we, together with Living Hope Fellowship, Kentucky, USA came alongside to build two classrooms to facilitate a Day Care and grade 0 (Pre School) class. Two additional
classrooms were built later, as the school had already grown to 90 children in less than 2 years.
By 2012 the Day Care had grown to 145 children and we split the Day Care from the school and moved the school to the church premises, thanks to Living Hope Fellowship and The Lighthouse, Tx coming alongside us. The Day Care continues to be run by Pst Ramabu.
The ministry has grown to a full foundational level school, up to Grade 7, totaling just over 100 learners. The school is registered with the Dept. of Education and is being administered by Jeni Basson.
Many of the young people in the youth we see are waiting for the government to provide them with opportunities and resources, waiting for bursaries, and then choosing to study for degrees that they are not suited to, because they think that will give them a future…many drop out, or complete and cannot find jobs. Many have an attitude of entitlement…don’t have good work ethics or don’t understand hard work. We would like to give them the opportunity to be exposed to these things, to get to know and understand themselves and their giftings, strengths and weakness better and be exposed to people who have made it and develop their character to be able to make it.
Aim at High School Learners, not necessarily churched youth. Aim at getting into the high schools in assisting with their Life Orientation Lessons and out of this, invite children to the youth centre for holiday camps and walk a road with them until they leave school.
Our goal is that The Land will give High School learners the opportunity to explore their belief systems in a safe environment, an opportunity to discuss cultural norms and why they exist. What is good and what is leading them into poverty….be agents for change….understand why they do things……The adventure based learning style will help to expose things about themselves they possibly did not know….growing in confidence and understanding of team work….
Final goal of course would be to introduce them to Christ, who formed them and who knows the plans he has for them, plans to give them a hope and a future.